Saturday, November 30, 2019

The impact of the inspectors final Essay Example For Students

The impact of the inspectors final Essay Discuss the impact of the inspectors final speech exit and explore why it is made more dramatic given the social and historical context of the play.  Why do you think the inspector has called?  An Inspector calls is a play set in 1912. J.B. Priestley wrote it in 1945. Nineteen-Forty-Five was the year that brought with it the end of Second World War. Six long years in which 55 million lives were lost including 6 million Jews. This was a hard time of austerity, in which everybody would just have to do without, and all food was rationed. During the Second World War the first ever atomic bomb was dropped by the Americans, onto Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We will write a custom essay on The impact of the inspectors final specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Each bomb killed 70,000 civilians instantly; many more were to later die of radiation poisoning. This was a devastating time for all, if one thing positive came from the war it was the Welfare State being proposed. The Welfare State was social security from cradle to grave, a comforting thought. However, the end of the war marked a change. By this time many people were so downtrodden and terrified that there optimism probably carried them a bit too far, with many predicting a peaceful and loving world. A belief also shared later by the Hippies in the 1960s. Apart from this joint optimism, the social classes were divided. There was the lower/working class, which contained the social group, considered to occupy the lowest position in a hierarchical society, typically composed of manual workers and their families. Then there were the middle classes, which were the section of society between the poor and the wealthy, including business and professional people and skilled workers. This class had both an upper and lower part to it, the upper middle class contained mostly, wealthy executives, usually factory owners and the lower middle class contained the sort of people who were teachers and still living comfortably. The Upper class were the highest social class, or the people in it, this class contained the aristocracy and the very wealthy, all the people who were considered upper class had a title, like Lady or Lord. J.B. Priestley, whose full name is John Boynton Priestley, was born on the 13th September 1894, in Bradford. At the age of 20 Priestley, who having grown up into his fathers circle of socialist friends, had now found himself joining in with their political arguments. Socialists believe in socialism. Socialism refers to a broad array of doctrines or political movements that visualise a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to the control of the community for the purposes of increasing social and economic equality and cooperation. This belief is promoted more these days in the form of the Labour Party than the Conservatives. Socialists tend to believe that with the conservatives in charge that the poor stay poor and the rich get richer. The Inspectors speech is written as a piece of oratory, a speech rather than a conversation with the Birlings. The Inspector is not only addressing the Birlings with his speech but also as it seems is addressing the audience in which J.B. Priestley puts forward his own Socialist views. The inspector tells the Birlings and the audience that Eva Smith is one person, and this has only been about one person, but Eva Smith symbolises the working class people who are a victim of the harsh social system. These people have been badly treated by their employers and others, like the Birlings, who are in a higher social class and a perfect position to help the less fortunate. .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a , .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a .postImageUrl , .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a , .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a:hover , .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a:visited , .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a:active { border:0!important; } .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a:active , .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4391674c6996886ea601459ca26d781a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Was Malvolio's Treatment Justified EssayThe Inspector is saying that although this one unfortunate member of society has died, there are a lot more out there by saying that there are millions and millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths. A group of three is used here to emphasize the amount of unfortunate being still out there. Groups of three are a common technique used to persuade people into doing things I think here The Inspector is trying to persuade the Birlings to look at the enormity of underprivileged citizens out there, just begging for their help. Another group of three used in the Inspectors speech is with what we think and say and do. I believe that by using this grouping of three, the Inspector is trying to make the Birlings and the audience realise that no action of anyone ever goes unnoticed and that for every action of one person there is an opposite and equal reaction. It is as if Newtons Third law of motion applies to how the society is. Towards the end of the speech, the Inspector says If men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught in fire and blood and anguish this group of three creates a very unpleasant image in ones head and makes one ponder, what will this torture include? Is it possibly a piece of dramatic irony in which with audience knows it is referring to World War One, to which the Birlings remain blissfully unaware. Therefore, I personally believe that this is the most memorable and dramatic quote of the speech.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Macbeth by Shakespeare Research Paper Example

Macbeth by Shakespeare Research Paper Example Macbeth by Shakespeare Paper Macbeth by Shakespeare Paper Essay Topic: Macbeth Out of Shakespeare many plays Macbeth which was written in 1906-1606 is one of the best recognised plays around Britain and the world. Shakespeare mainly wrote three types of plays: * Comedy * Tragedy * History Macbeth is a blood thirsty tale of ambition and the evils we will go through to get what we want. Macbeth is the main character, who we see plot and kill in order to become King of Scotland. As soon as we see Macbeths wishes fulfilled we gradually witness the world fall around him. Macbeth is an historical account especially published for King James the first, it was also rumoured that King James was a descended of Banquo. Throughout Macbeth witchcraft and black magic lingers in every scene, this is cleverly used by Shakespeare because during the Elizabethan era, people were extremely superstitious and really believed in witchcraft and black magic. Witchcraft and black magic also changes Macbeths character a lot over the three scenes: * Approached by witches * Seeing of the dagger * Ghost of Banquo Macbeth is also considered unlucky to most actors, so they give Macbeth other play names like The comedy of Glamis, the Scottish play or even The play. Legend has it that an actor died on stage as well as many others. Macbeth has had so many interpretation over the years, for instance Macbeth has been filmed and adapted for the stage in so many ways that there has been a Nazi Germany version, Zulu Warriors and even a rock opera. In Act one Scene three Macbeth repeats what the witches say Fair is foul, foul is fair hover through the fog and filthy air. To the audience they might think the witches might have planned all the killings. In act one scene three we see that the witches are capable of evil mischief in a sieve Ill thither sail, and like a rat without a tail, Ill do and Ill do To Macbeth he instantly trusts their prophecies but in some way the witches are not tell Macbeth the whole truth. When Banquo and Macbeth see the witches for the first time they instantly recognise that there supernatural beings What are these that not like th inhabitants oth earth. Macbeth quickly interprets and understands that the witches have magical powers to tell the future. As the witches carry on speaking, the more affected Macbeth is You great with present grace and prediction of noble having and royal hope. Macbeth is then immediately open to suggestions of promotion and the crown. Banquo and Macbeth are both marvelled by the prophecies of the witches Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none. So all hail Macbeth and Banquo. This quote suggests that the prophecies stay with both Banquo and Macbeth and gives them a lot to think about and act on. To the king we see that Macbeth is loyal and a great solider everyone did bear thy praises in his kingdom great defence. At this point Macbeth is loyal but the witches prophecies change him. Later on we see circumstances reward Macbeth with Thane of Cawdor Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor. The greatest is behind. This promotion could either be a coincidence but Macbeth sees it as a sign that the witches are telling the truth, but this would have happened if Macbeth met the witches or not. Macbeth then weighs up the good and the bad which were presented by the witchs prophecies Cannot be ill, cannot be good, if ill. The evil thoughts are that Macbeth thinks of committing murder but the good is that hes Cawdor. After Macbeth weighing his options, Macbeth finds himself considering murdering Duncan for the first time my thought whose murder yet is but fantastical in this quote we see Macbeth planning the murders not the witches. We also see Macbeth killing Duncan not Banquo let us speak our free hearts each to other Macbeth sees Banquo sharing the experience perhaps thinking the same. In act two scene one which is also known as the dagger scene is very important in Macbeth, in the scene we start seeing Macbeth character changing. In the scene we can tell Banquo is unaffected by the prophecy but still keep my bosom franchised, and allegiance clear From this Banquo experiences the same supernatural event as Macbeth but Banquo is unaffected. Macbeth also experiences a second supernatural event is this a dagger I see before me? It seems that the dagger is a product of Macbeths own creation or hes being bewitched. Macbeth tries to hold the dagger, but cannot come let me clutch thee still Macbeth is open to suggestion here and blames his feverish state on what hes about to do. He begins to interpret the meaning for the dagger for himself thou marshallst me the way I was going. Macbeth was longing for approval and confirmation, Macbeth starts imaging that the dagger towards as a sign. Macbeth finds himself reminding the power of Hecate to grant their hearts desires Witchcraft celebrate pale hecates off rings and withered murder. By doing this Macbeth is summoning supernatural power himself. Macbeth longs for secrecy to hide the actions hes about to commit hear not my steps, which way they walk for fear. This quote prove that Macbeth is forcing the prophecies to come true and not naturally, macbeth later on realises that hes actually talking not acting whiles I threat, he lives; words to heart of deeds too cold breath gives. Macbeth sees this as a sign for continuation but forces himself to kill. Within the dagger scene theres a lot of reference to his senses, visions and Macbeths character. Macbeth uses the reference to visions, the supernatural and death And yet I would not sleep; merciful powers and That summons thee to heaven or hell. This call to the supernatural helps Macbeth commit murder. In the dagger scene we see that Macbeth character become more deceitful to close friends and impatient I dreamed last night of the three sisters; to you they have showed some truth. I think not of them. The next major scene is when Lady Macbeth and Macbeth hold a banquet for the noblemen. Macbeth also hires an assassin to murder his close friend Banquo, so during the banquet the assassin enters telling him the news about Banquos death and unexpectedly Fleance escape. Later on the ceremony Macbeth has vision of Banquos ghost, Lady Macbeth tries to regain Macbeth sanity but fails, Macbeth is this then convinced hes going back to see the three witches. The guests who leave the banquet start suspecting Macbeth killed Duncan and Banquo. In the scene we see King Macbeth and Queen hosting a big banquet Ourself mingle with society and play humble host; our hostess keeps her state, but in the best time we will require her welcome In this quote we see a new side of Macbeth character of boastfulness. When Macbeth sees the assassin he is quite happy until he is told Fleance had escaped. He knows the danger Fleance represents Thou-art the best oth cut-throats, yet hes good that did the like for Fleance, if thou didst it, than art the non-pareil Macbeth is happy to hear that theres no longer a threat until hes told Fleance has escaped. When Macbeth speaks to his guest about Banquo his ghost appears were the graced person of our Banquo present. By this Macbeth is lying to his guest by mocking him as if he was alive, he also tries to care for Banquo. When a nobleman tells Macbeth to sit down Macbeth thinks every place at the table is filled The tables full Macbeth mind plays on him and imagines Banquos ghost. The ghost strategically sits in Macbeth seat, this event could be supernatural. As Macbeth sees Banquos ghost, Macbeth widely denies what he sees Thou canst not say and which have has done this Macbeth thinks that the guest are playing on him, Macbeth becomes paranoid by denying the accusation of killing Banquo but no one is accusing him. Before Macbeth tells the nobleman of crimes Lady Macbeth tries to talk sense to Macbeth Are you a man! This is the very painting of your fear; this is the air dagger which you said led you to Duncan. Lady Macbeth things that Macbeth is going to commit to what hes done, so she intervenes by making up a medical condition. This draws a lot of negative attention to him. Macbeth becomes more aware and tries to recover a little control I do forget Do you not muse at me, my most worthy friends. I have strange infirmity which is nothing to those who know me. Macbeth tries to calm his guests and tries to cover-up his visualisation by inventing a condition. As the ghost reappears, Macbeth convinces himself that its just his imagination, to the audience this could be a sign of guilt [Enter Banquo Ghost] and And to our dear friend Banquo who we all miss. After the ghost scene, Macbeth is beyond consolation and that hes going to visit the witches for some answers I keep a servant feed, I will tomorrow and betime I will-to the weird sisters. For Macbeth to return to the witches tells the audience, that the supernatural has affected Macbeths way of thinking. In conclusion we see that Macbeths character has changed drastically this has been due to: * Macbeths influences Changes through out the play Macbeths Influences Macbeth has had many influences from all aspects but the main influences are from the supernatural, this is mainly seen when Macbeth and Banquo first meet the witches. From this part of the scene Macbeth is immediately intrigued when the witches mention the prophecy of Macbeth being king. After analysing what the witches say Macbeth is then very affected by the witches words and starts plotting on how he can claim the crown. In act two scene three Macbeth visualises a dagger which is conveniently pointing towards the room of Duncan, Macbeth sees it as a sign. This sign immediately approves and confirms Macbeths influence of killing Duncan. Another influence in Macbeth character is Lady Macbeth, she pushes Macbeth into murdering Duncan just become king, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth prematurely forces change instead of it becoming natural. Occurred changes in Macbeths character From the beginning to the end of the play we see Macbeths character transform. In the beginning of the play Macbeth is portrayed as a loyal, humble and popular figure to the king and other noblemen. As we read on from where Macbeth meets the witches we see a new dimension of Macbeths character of being inpatient. Macbeth impatience and some persuasion from Lady Macbeth and supernatural events leads him to kill the king. In the beginning of Act two Scene one Banquo; Macbeths best friend who is loyal and caring to Macbeth is concerned that hes been affected by the prophecies, which he is so Macbeth lies to Banquo. Macbeth then interprets that Banquo wants to become king and in his head thinks Banquo is a threat to his crown hence Macbeth hires an assassin to kill him. Later when Macbeth is King he holds a banquet, we see Macbeths new character of being boastful and self-centred. The supernatural also shows the weak side of Macbeths new character for example when Macbeth sees Banquos ghost that hes terrified of his own actions also before the murder of Duncan, Macbeth is weak, scared and almost retreats before he is bullied into killing. Through out the play I have seen some prophecies which have come true for example the witches saying that Macbeth being King. This particular prophecy has effected Macbeth in many ways particularly his judgement and his character.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Case Report of the Alaska-Airline Disaster

This case report discusses about the Alaska-airline crash that has occurred on Jan, 31, 2000 at California. The causes, contributing factors, potential hazards and safe- guards that were ignored in accordance with air crash were discussed. This incident teaches a great lesson to the world to prevent future air- accidents and the inadequacies in policies to prevent loss of life and property.   Ã‚  Ã‚   The most miserable disaster of Alaska-Airline took place on 31 st January, 2000 at approximately 1621 Pacific- Standard time. The flight 261 that involves MD (McDonnell Douglas) - 83, N963AS was crashed at approximately 2.7 miles in the Pacific Ocean specifically at the north side of Anacapa- island of California. All the people in the flight that includes two pilots, three crew-members of cabin as well as 83 passengers were killed with destruction of the flight by impact forces (Carmody, 2002). There were dozen causes that have contributed to this disaster and have taught a great lesson about flight maintenance.    The main cause is that the in-flight failure of the acme- nut threads that is present on the jack-screw assembly (trim system) of the horizontal-stabilizer of flight has occurred. This has lead to the loss of pitch control of the flight. NTSB (2003) has stated that the jack-screw assembly is the most integral as well as crucial part of the trim- system of horizontal-stabilizer that acts as a critical airplane system and the destruction of this jack-screw assembly has caused the flight disaster. Moreover, the thread failure has occurred due to the insufficient lubrication that has lead to the excessive wear of the Alaska Airlines (Cockpit database, 2000). Basically, there was a fault in the fundamental MD- 83 flight design as it has no fail-safe design to counteract the thread loss of the total acme-nut that has lead to the catastrophic effects. In this disaster, improper adherence to the maintenance process as well as inspection of the jack-screw parts has exacerbated the design fault and has resulted in crash (Carmody, 2002). Another factor that has contributed was the extended interval for lubrication process. The Federal aviation-administration (FAA) has approved the extended lubrication interval that has contributed to the missing or improper lubrication. This has resulted in the complete wear of the threads of acme-nut. Further, increased interval for end- play check with approval from FAA for extension has allowed to the excessive wear that has progressed to failure without detecting the flaw. The horizontal-stabilizer has stopped working to the commands of the pilot and they were unable to rule out the cause. The acme- nut threads have worn inside the horizontal stabilizer and were sheared off completely. Then, the acme-screw and nut has jammed that has prevented the movement of horizontal-stabilizer. Later, the jam was overcome that has allowed the acme-screw to pull acme-nut causing the airplane to pitch downward (NTSB, 2003). It had lead to the (low- cycled fatigue) fracture of the torque tube again lowering the pitch from which regaining is impossible.   The use of auto-pilot at the time of horizontal stabilizer jam was inappropriate. Moreover, lack of checklist to land at these circumstances is an additional drawback. The pilots were not provided with clear guidelines to avoid experimenting with improper troubleshooting measures (Woltjer, 2007). The slats and flaps should have extended by the captain when the flight was controlled by the configuration after initial drive. The acme-nut threads were found to have worn extensively due to ineffective lubrication on the acme parts that have lead to the disaster. The recovered acme showed dried degraded grease that suggests that, it was not greased recently. The post-accident interviews of SPO-mechanic indicated that they had no knowledge to lubricate acme (NTSB, 2003). The safety board concluded that inadequate lubrication and lack of standard measures have lead to the accident. Fig: 1 shows acme-nut with plugged grease Increased pressure in the flight maintenance area in correcting, maintaining and delivering the flight in given time has contributed to this disaster. In this disaster, they have falsified the records that the flight has passed through the inspection process due to the increased pressure on them to make a scheduled return (Carmody, 2002). The measurements have showed that the jack-screw was in the brink to wear out and requires to be replaced by a newer jack-screw: but as it may delay the departure time, they have altered the record to be airworthy (ATEC, 2005).  The maintenance persons don’t have assertiveness to speak about the importance of lubrication and replacing the wear to the company.   The maintenance personnel have not helped the pilots when they were at horizontal-stabilizer problems. The safety issues in this accident include improper lubrication with inspection of the jack-screw, extended end-play check-intervals, over-haul procedures of jack-screw and design with certification of horizontal-stabilizer, maintenance program and FAA’s inadequacies has lead to disaster. Standards should be issued to pilots with the instructions to handle mal-functioning situations. NTSB (2002) ordered MD flights to replace dried greases with fresh grease. The size of the access-panel was increased to lubricate the jack-screw properly (FAA, 2002). The lubrication procedure for jack-screw was established as an inspection item to be signed by an inspector. The existing intervals were reviewed to identify the fault in the flight components. NTSB (2002) has conducted an evaluation and has issued a report with recommendations for maintenance. Improving fail- safe mechanism in MD design, promoting end-play check interval, issuing newer certification regulations and policies for horizontal stabilizers ensures safe air-travel. ATEC. (2005)  Incorporating Air Transport Association Codes into Maintenance Curriculum, ATEC Journal, 26 (2). Available from Aviation Technician Education Council [Accessed 28/02/17] Carmody, C.J. (2002)  Aircraft Accident Incident Report. Loss of Control and Impact with Pacific Ocean Alaska Airlines Flight 261 McDonnell Douglas MD-83, N963AS About 2.7 Miles North of Anacapa Island, California January 31, 2000, National Transportation Safety Board, Washington, DC:   National Transportation Safety Board. [Accessed 28/02/17] Cockpit database. (2000) Cockpit voice recorder database. Available from [Accessed 28/02/17] FAA. (2002) Accident Board Recommendations, U.S.  Department  of  Transportation. Available from [Accessed 28/02/17] NTSB. (2003) Loss of control and impact with Pacific Ocean, Alaska Airlines Flight 261, McDonnell Douglas MD-83, N963AS, about 2.7 miles north of Anacapa Island, California, January 31, 2000 (Aircraft Accident Report No. NTSB/AAR-02/01), National Transportation Safety Board. Washington, DC: National Transportation Safety Board [Accessed 28/02/17] Woltjer, R., & Hollnagel, E. (2007) The Alaska Airlines Flight 261 accident, A systemic analysis of functional resonance. Proceedings of the 2007 (14th) International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP), pp. 763-768. Available from [Accessed 28/02/17]

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Employee and Labor Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Employee and Labor Relations - Essay Example In this respect, the management and the organization have never been in one side of the page on issues related to the employees. Role of Management in an Organization One of the lifelines of an organization is the management, like in the production; the management is the equivalent of the entrepreneur who organizes all factors of production in a way that they can achieve their targets. The management in the organization will ensure that the factors of production are at their best in pursuit of the company’s or organization core objectives. In this sense, they will ensure that the human resource, the physical, and financial resources are synchronized for the realization of a common goal (Pawel, 2009). The management in an organization thus has the task of balancing and co-coordinating between the authority and the responsibilities. It will therefore be appreciated that the management has to organize these for the realization of the results. In an organization then, the manageme nt has the duty of organizing with the aim of achieving the following; Identification of activities; all the activities taking place in an organization has to be identified by the management before they are carried out. These activities include; inventory controls, accounts preparation, quality control, keeping of records, and making of sales. The management also plays a role in the departmentation in the organization. Departmentation is the act of sub dividing the whole operation concern into independent units that are able to function with some degrees of autonomy (Pawel, 2009). The management also does classification of authorities where authorities are delegated in a hierarchical order. This has to be done by with a lot of precision to enable the organization to operate with absolute efficiency in realizing its goals and objectives. Overlapping authorities in this case is likely to bring a lot of confusion in the daily running of the organization affairs. Lastly, there has to be also high level of coordination controls ensured by the management, in as much as these units are independent with delegated authority, they have to coordinate and work in tandem so that objectives are realized smoothly. Role of the Union in an Organization Unions are synonymous to fighting for the right of workers who are employed in the various organizations. They push for the workers fair consideration on a myriad of issues ranging from remuneration, safety in the work place, and the working hours as well as deduction of the workers monthly pay. In this reference, unions can therefore be described as a conduit through which negotiations are reached between the employers and the employees (Davidson, 1999). Both the employer and the employee have divergent perception on employment and have always been antagonistic in more than one way and the only body that has been playing a role in the division is the unions. The union addresses the workers grievances through collective bargaini ng with the organization so that the wishes of the workers can be realized. Workers as have been indicated previously face a plethora of challenges in the work environment, this can be traced from the period of industrial revolution when the workers got abused since there was overwhelming demand for workers and in return,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Lightning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lightning - Essay Example To begin with, lightning contains a massive amount of energy. If it strikes a tree or a house it can destroy it due to the massive transfer of heat. Lightning can heat the air around it to almost 20,000 degrees Celsius which is about three times the temperature of the sun. So much energy travels so quickly in a lightning strike that it creates a supersonic wave which normal people call thunder. Because light travels faster than the speed of sound you usually see the lightning before you hear the thunder on a stormy day.1 It is often said that electricity was discovered by Benjamin Franklin when he went to go fly a kite in a big storm. It is true that the idea of harnessing the power of electricity came to him at that time, though others had carried out similar observations and experiments in the past.2 Even though this helped our understanding of static electricity, not a lot of new information has been learnt about lightning in recent years, how to harness it or use it for human purposes. This is unfortunate. Because of global warming we need new ideas about how to generate energy without harming the environment. If scientists can learn more, we may be able to use lightning to save the planet. Rakov, Vladimir A. Lightning: Physics and Effects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Romeo and Juliet †Literary Paragraph Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliet – Literary Paragraph Essay In Romeo and Juliet, each character has a specific role and for the main character, Romeo, seems to be the one who changes the most. Romeo changes throughout the play as he is constantly become mature. As Romeo’s thoughts, feelings and actions have revealed his great changes among all other characters. According to the play, Romeo presented three palpable changes as the followings, he gets over Rosaline right after meeting Juliet, his hatred towards Tybalt changes into love back and forth, and he forgets about his desire to die right after receiving the message from Nurse. These changes made Romeo’s character even more important and appealing, which presented the love, hatred and violence of play. Firstly, Romeo changes the most because he quickly gets over Rosaline right after meeting Juliet in the first Act. Romeo is first presented as a lovesick boy who is greatly depressed about Rosaline’s refusals. But then, after Romeo encounters Juliet in the Capulet’s party, he apparently forgets about Rosaline and falls in love with Juliet. Meanwhile his mood changes from vulnerable to excited and confident, this has shown that Romeo is quite fickle and immature in love. For example, in the play when Romeo first sees Rosaline in the party he mutters â€Å"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.† (I. v. 52-53). He completely forgets about Rosaline that he loved so much before and how fast he falls in love with Juliet at first sight. Also, in the play when Romeo leaves Juliet’s balcony to Friar Lawrence place, he informs Friar Lawrence about his plan for marring Juliet, â€Å"With Rosaline, my ghostly father? No!/ I have forgot that name, and that name woe.† (II. iii. 46-47). Romeo even forgets Rosaline’s name with the sorrow she brings him. Indeed, Romeo is becoming positive and enthusiastic about love again while he gets over Rosaline after meeting Juliet. Soon, Romeo’s love changes to hatred easily. Secondly, Romeo changes the most as his hatred towards Tybalt changes into love back and forth. Regarding Romeo marries Juliet and his love grows deeper than anyone, he becomes more pleasing in front of Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt. For example, although Tybalt tries to draw Romeo into a fight, Romeo convinces him that he loves him as he has secretly become one of his family members by marrying Juliet, â€Å"Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee,/ Doth much excuse the appertaining rage/ To such greeting. Villain am I none;/ Therefore farewell; I see you don’t really know me.† (III. I. 58-61). Since Romeo marries Juliet, he loves Tybalt as a family of Juliet’s and that helps him overcome the anger he should really feels from Tybalt’s insults. However, Tybalt kills Mercutio ultimately and that makes Romeo become really angry. Therefore, Romeo’s hatred exceeds his love towards Tybalt again as he rea lizes Mercutio dies and he declared, Away to heaven, respective lenity, And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now! Now, Tybalt, take the â€Å"villain† back again That late thou gav’st me; for Mercutio’s soul Is but a little way above our heads, Staying for thine to keep him company. Either thou, or I, or both, must go with him.† (III. i. 199-126). Romeo loses his temper and looks for revenge for his friend, Mercutio. After he killed Tybalt, he is banished from Verona by Prince Escalus. In this situation, he has completely changed his love to hatred and this also portrayed Romeo’s impulsive and bad temper character. Therefore, Romeo’s hatred towards Tybalt changes into love back and forth made him the character who changes the most throughout the play. Yet his banishment leads him to a great emotion change afterwards. Lastly, nevertheless Romeo changes from desiring of death into being statisfy and forgets about his mind after receiving Nurse’s message. Thus Romeo realizes banishment might keeps him and Juliet apart from each other, he wishes to be dead instead and he tries to stab himself. Moreover, in the play when Nurse brings Juliet’s ring to Friar Lawrence’s place for Romeo, Romeo forgets about the grief and tears from recieving banishment and becomes comforted right away. â€Å"How well my comfort is reviv’d by this† (III. iii. 169) Romeo is greatly satisfied by the ring that Nurse gave him. In addition, in the novel play when Friar Lawrence suggests Romeo should do what his marriage decrees him to do, to climb to her room to comfort her and stays with her the night, Romeo revived and being confident again. Romeo says â€Å" But that a joy past joy calls out on me,/ It were a grief, so brief to part with thee.† (III. iii. 177-178), meaning that this idea, this joy surpasses all any other happiness, which would be sad if he misses and leaves Juliet so quickly. From this scene, capricious of Romeo’s character is seen once again, also it illustrated his great emotion change in the play. For this reason, Romeo changes the most throughout the play. In conclusion, no doubt that the character who changes the most throughout the play Romeo and Juliet is Romeo because of his great emotional and physical changes from getting over Rosaline right after meeting Juliet, changing his hatred into love towards Tybalt back and forth, and forgetting about his desire to die right after receiving the message from Nurse. Believing that this is also how Romeo as a main character in a romantic and tragic play is developed, becoming a strong man from being a â€Å"lost† man, to a revived man all by love and passion.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Quality Control :: essays research papers fc

Topics in Liberal Arts Math. Quality Control Quality control, as described through the Encarta Dictionary, is a system used in many companies, departments, and businesses for achieving or maintaining a desired level of quality in a manufactured product by inspecting samples and assessing what changes may be needed in the manufacturing process. To do this inspectors are hired and made to look over every step of the manufacturing process to make sure the product is as the company’s standards want it to be. There are many businesses that use this technique, but one in particular which hinges its success on the quality of its product is the food industry. In no other industry is quality control more important than in this field. If the quality is not checked in all products it can spell disaster for a food processing company. Not only can poorly processed food taste bad, but, in some instances it can lead to sickness, leaving the industry in a very difficult and possibly legally responsible situation. So, to prevent this, th e food industry, as well as many others, chose to use quality control in the form of sampling, to make sure their products go on the market not only tasting good, but being safe as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the food industry, quality control is used to make sure that only the tastiest product goes on the market, and in order to do this, only the best ingredients must be chosen for a company’s product. Take for example tomato paste. The most vital ingredient in tomato paste is just that, tomato. Therefore, a company specializing in tomato paste must first check and guarantee that all the tomato’s meet there specifications. The first step in this process would then have to be creating quality specifications. The most popular method amongst the food industry for creating this is checking the food product through what they call â€Å"food attributes†. In the case of a tomato this can be anything from color, size, shape, any damage on the tomato, and the hardness of the fruit. Once this is completed and agreed upon, inspectors are hired to overview and test a representative sample of the food, in this case tomatoes, to make sure the batch meets the specifications set out by the company.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Renaissance Man

In the film there was a group named the double ad's. They are called double ad's meaning, dumbest dog salt. The people from that group are chosen to be In that group because those students are the ones that do not comprehend the army duty. Mr.. Raga, the teacher from the group double ad's, was not as responsible. Facing some of his own consequences like, getting fired from his previous job, losing his relationship slowly with his only daughter, and not taking his new job as a teacher seriously. But during the film he went through some times where he changed.From he students touching him in an emotional level and being in an army base facility he changed. Three things that Mr.. Raga changed was his character attitude, and got some discipline. His character changed by not being mean and rude to people he found from his students that there is more to a person that what meets the eye. His attitude changed from how he acts with people to how he looked at his teaching Job. At first he TLD want the job but after time he found out how important changing and helping the kids life really ;s.He became more disciplined by the Army, getting to mime early or In time and getting himself straight with his priorities. I believe the most important change from the three, is his attitude. Because I think attitude says a lot about a person. How you are with people and it shows how your real character really is. By changing his own attitude he turned from being selfish and only caring about his own life to wanting to make somebody else's life better. At first Mr.. Raga was thinking of teaching comprehensive material to the students so they could be able to do and pass the requirements to graduate from the U.S. Army. However he thought hem something else from somewhere he never thought would capture they're attention. Mr.. Raga introduced hamlet by William Shakespeare to the double ad's. The students could relate the play to their lives; the play gave the students motivation, giving them something to look at in order to keep on going and pursuing their goals In life. Each of the double ad's had their own struggles and life, and their own destiny of making It to the Army, but there was this one specific double d. His name was Nathaniel Hobbs, he was a very smart student and the one that connected to Mr..Raga the most; he saw potential for the student and wanted to help him. There were consequences in that though, Mr.. Raga went to talk to the sergeant, they found out Nathaniel Joined the army to escape from hid felony of selling drugs, so he went to jail. I think it was Nathaniel own fault because it was his decision of selling drugs and even though it's in the past you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Before Mr.. Raga changed his ways he faced an enemy on the way through his change. Mr.. Raga did not get along with sergeant Lou.Sergeant Lou thought Mr.. Raga was not disciplined enough and was not strict enough with his class. You would think It would end up In a feud but surprisingly Mr.. Raga got his own discipline from sergeant Lou, and changed of character. Even though things might not look as good as a situation something good always happens. Even though sergeant Lou thought Mr.. Raga was not as strict or as disciplined, the classmates got an effect on the class. I en class gave ten students motivation to change Ana It Improved tenet connecter.They were able to complete the tasks of their army duties and obstacles they had to overcome in order to graduate from the army. There was an original renaissance man that was mentioned in the movie. The Renaissance man was Alberta Leon Battista. He accomplished a lot of things, his mindset was there is not a limit of the goals you want to reach or what you want to become. That's something Mr.. Raga taught his class. Like I said before, Mr.. Raga was originally going to teach comprehensive but he taught something more important. He ended up teaching the student to reach for t he stars.That success starts from your mind, your way of hinging, you can become whatever you decide to be and what you pursue; however it's not Just pursuing it, but also completing it even though there might be obstacles in the way. The central lesson that can be learned from this movie is that the choices you make dictate the life we live. Any choice you make or action you take make you become the person you are. You can become whatever you want to become if you put your mind and heart into it. Or Just have to look within and take your determination to its fullest capability and reaching your goals.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Apple a Day

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away Eating Healthy and exercise are essential to the health and well-being of all people. A healthy diet along with exercise can help you live longer, feel better about better food choices; provide you with more energy, help you stay at a healthy weight, and help you fight stress. Do you want to live longer and be healthier? Then make that first step and maximize the benefits from being active and eating healthier. It is important to make sure and eat fruits and vegetables daily, at least 5 servings.The best way to be healthier is to incorporate into your daily routine eating fresh fruits and vegetables such as: apples, bananas, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, grapes, carrots, potatoes, peas, and broccoli. This list can go on and on and you will find there are plenty of fruit and vegetables that you will enjoy. â€Å"Vegetables and fruits are clearly an important part of a good diet. Almost everyone can benefit from eating more of them, but var iety is as important as quantity. No single fruit or vegetable provides all of the nutrients you need to be healthy.The key lies in the variety of different vegetables and fruits that you eat† (Willet, 2007, Harvard School of Public Health). Doctors and nutritionists highly promote fruits and vegetables because they offer many benefits to being healthy. They are excellent sources of essential nutrients, such as vitamins and anti-oxidants. People who eat diets rich in fruits and vegetables have a decreased risk of several chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. As the saying goes, â€Å"an apple a day keeps the doctor away. A healthy eating plan will protect against many health problems and improve the way our body functions. Annabel Bentley, BUPA assistant medical director, has this advice: â€Å"As one of the leading independent health and care providers in the country, BUPA is pleased to support this campaign. A balanced diet i s one of the best ways to maintain good health and help prevent the onset of some serious diseases. Eating well need not be expensive or complicated and this new campaign is geared to leading people towards the right things to eat. † Eating healthy can help in living a longer and healthier life.It can also strengthen your immune system, which can help in fewer sicknesses. The benefits from eating healthy go on and on and will improve your lifestyle dramatically. Proper eating can even help some have healthy lush looking hair, skin and nails and everyone wants to have beautiful skin, hair and nails. Eating healthy can help in feeling better within oneself. A healthy diet along with exercise will provide the body with more energy and make you feel better about yourself and can help fight stress and depression. Eating unhealthy can cause many health problems.Besides obesity and diabetes, there is high blood pressure, heart problems, breathing difficulty, anemia, and joint problem s all due to extra weight. Healthy eating can help protect people from cancer, heart attacks, diabetes and problems with blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force that pushes the blood from the heart through the arteries in the body. High blood pressure becomes dangerous because is makes the heart work too hard. Even when the pressure is only slightly raised for a long period of time it can damage arteries and cause organ damage.I personally have high blood pressure and the doctors are constantly advising me to eat better, exercise and lose weight and when I apply their council my blood pressure does improve dramatically. † High blood pressure is a primary risk factor for heart disease and stroke. As such, it is a condition that is important to control. Diet can be a very effective tool for lowering blood pressure. One of the most convincing associations between diet and blood pressure was found in the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) study.This trial examined the effect on blood pressure of a diet that was rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products and that restricted the amount of saturated and total fat. The researchers found that people with high blood pressure who followed this diet reduced their systolic blood pressure (the upper number of a blood pressure reading) by about 11 mm Hg and their diastolic blood pressure (the lower number) by almost 6 mm Hg—as much as medications can achieve† (Appel, Moore, Obarzanek,1997, clinical trial).By making sure to eat a balanced diet then the occasional fatty food or takeaway will not hurt, but it will become a problem if you eat fatty foods everyday. It can be easy to fall into the trap of eating takeaway food every night because most people have busy hectic lives and find that they do not have the time or energy to cook something healthy. â€Å"Junk food has become a pillar in modern society. It offers a quick fill, fast service, or you can bring it home to watch a m ovie with. From chips, pop, ice cream it goes on and on.There is no nutritional value in any of it. Even the canned produce should be considered junk food. Preservatives are jamming the tops of these containers of fruits in order for them to remain edible for months and months† (Healthy Eating, 2008, Health benefits of food). While it would be nice to take a pill and wake up 15 lbs lighter, the truth is that weight loss takes time and effort as well as a commitment to eating healthy everyday. The best way to begin to reduce the amount of weight people put on would be to reduce any un-necessary fat intake.Fat intake can be difficult to manage because fat makes food taste so much better. It is so tempting to grab a donut or candy bar when craving a snack, but it can be just as easy to grab an apple or a bag of carrots and your body and your health will reap better benefits from it. â€Å"Most people who work at eating better know that the salad bar can be a terrific way to eat out, eat great food and have a healthy meal. There are a few items that can tip the scales as far as fat and calories are concerned, especially if you are trying to watch your weight.A major offender is salad dressings. † Doctor Gourmet, (2008). Weight is such a sensitive subject for many people, young and old , which is why it+ does need to be addressed, because people today especially children are becoming obese at alarming rates. Many people think that it is just too difficult to eat healthy, or they do not know what to eat. â€Å"What you should eat is actually pretty simple. But you would not know that from news reports on diet studies, whose sole purpose seems to be to confuse people on a daily basis.When it comes down to it, though—when all the evidence is looked at together—the best advice on what to eat is relatively straightforward: Eat a plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; choose healthy fats, like olive and canola oil; and red meat and unhealthy fats, like saturated and trans fats, sparingly. Most important of all is keeping calories in check, so you can avoid weight gain, which makes exercise a key partner to a healthy diet† (Willet, 2007, Harvard School of Public Health) As for keeping the weight off, avoid the elevator and take the stairs.If you take the stairs regularly, you will burn more calories. As you do it more often, you will learn that you have more energy. In order to be healthy, we need to learn what it means to eat healthy and to live healthy. The first step is making sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis and avoid unnecessary fats in our diet. The best way to avoid fats is by not eating fast food or junk food on a regular basis. Exercise needs to be a top riority in our lives to keep stress away and to feel energized, even if it is as simple as a walk in the park. When it comes to diet and exercise, you have to ask yourself a very important question. How mu ch do you care about yourself? It is up to all of us to make a commitment to set aside a little time each day for exercise. As far as eating healthy is concerned, just focus on each individual day. Do not go to the extreme, because this is setting you up for failure. Just make small changes throughout the day.At night, simply walk away from that huge slice of chocolate cake. It is all up to you to live a healthy lifestyle. Discipline, control and focus can be hard to maintain when it comes to eating healthy and exercising regularly. It can be hard, especially in the beginning, but it is essential that you be consistent. By being consistent it will get easier and easier to make necessary lifestyle changes. By making these positive lifestyle changes in your life it will go a long way in living a long healthy life for years to come.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Announcing the Winner of the 2018 ServiceScape Scholarship

Announcing the Winner of the 2018 ServiceScape Scholarship ServiceScape is pleased to announce the winner of the 2018 Scholarship Contest: Nick Summerlin, from Morgantown, West Virginia. Nick is a freshman at West Virginia University pursuing a Mechanical Engineering major.Nick Summerlin is the winner of the 2018 ServiceScape ScholarshipYou can find his winning submission below. We hope you enjoy reading it and we look forward to reading more great essays for our 2019 Scholarship.The world we know today is moving at an astonishing speed. Innovations are all around us, in everything we use. With everything changing so fast around us, it can seem impossible that anything would remain untouched. That is, except for writing.Writing is one of the worlds most important forms of communication. It allows us to put our ideas and thoughts onto a media that can be transferred and understood all throughout the world. Without it, communication would be much more difficult in every aspect.From short poems to lengthy technical reports, being able to write effectively is an important skill to have in this ever-changing world. It shows intelligence and garners a sense of respect from others that is incomparable to any other art form.Some of the most influential writing of todays age is quite simplistic. Take the poem Fire and Ice by Robert Frost, or the Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln, for example. Frost wrote that poem in 1920, consisting of 9 lines and 51 words. It has been read all over the world and interpreted in hundreds of ways since then, being held as one of the most well-known poems in history. Lincolns writing is still one of the most influential speeches ever, and it only lasted two minutes.From this its obvious that writing is a very esteemed practice in todays world. It doesnt take the strongest vocabulary or the lengthiest literature to get a point across, but being able to use words in a way that is captivating and provoking can go a long way. Without writing, the world wouldnt be moving as fast as it is.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Newly diagnosed with Multiply Myeloma, information on your planned Essay

Newly diagnosed with Multiply Myeloma, information on your planned treatment with Lenalidomide 2 - Essay Example There is also elevated levels of antibodies and also other plasma proteins. In vitro, effects of lenalidomide 2 include direct anti-tumor action. It inhibits the microenvironment support for the thriving of the tumor cells. It plays an immunomudulary role. In vivo, it leads to the apoptosis of tumor cells both directly and indirectly. It does this by inhibition of support for bone marrow stromal cells. It also has anti-osteocaltrogenic, anti-angiogenic, and immunomodulary activities. The choice of chemotherapy would depend on factors such as the health of the patients, future ability to undergo stem cell transplantation, age and also disease characteristics that indicate a high risk to MM. Treatment options for patients with high risk of multiple myeloma is indistinct. It is recommended that patients of that nature enrol in clinical trials. Patients who are unwilling to participate in clinical trials would have a regimen that should include a combination that has bortezomib. After initial chemotherapy, stem cell transplanataton is recommended. For standard risk MM, the treatment options include a drug without melphalan, such as lenalidomide 2 and dexamethasone (RD), or cyclophosphamide , dexamethasone and bortezomib (VCD). In case the patient would not undergo stem cell transplantation, treatment should include thalidomide, melphalan and prednisone (MPT) or prednisone, bortezomib and melphalan (VMP). Another suitable combination is lenalidomide 2, with dexamethasone in low doses (RD). Lenalidomide 2, an immunomudalting agent, is usually effective in the treatment of MM. It is most often used in combination with dexamethasone. The combination is taken in the form of pills for between 3 to 4 weeks, dexamethasone being taken weekly. Due to the tendency to lead to formation of clots, warfarin or aspirin is given to reduce the risk. Kumar, S., Flinn, I.W., Hari, P.N. et al (2009). Novel three- and four-drug combinations of bortezomib, dexamethasone,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Disadvantages and Tax Consequences of Partnerships Essay

Disadvantages and Tax Consequences of Partnerships - Essay Example This paper discusses that  a partnership has some tax benefits in comparison to other different business entities. Thus, for example, loss or income distribution or allocation should be proportional to the ownership stakes of the stakeholders of a given corporation, whereas for a partnership, it may allocate cash flow or income amongst the partners that suits them best. In addition, a partnership allows resource pooling, needs basic filling requirements, avoids double taxation like that of corporate profits together with being reasonably easy to suspend operations. A partnership can therefore liquidate tax-free, but a corporation is usually taxed at the entity point whenever it liquidates. The other tax break for a limited partnership concerns limited partners. Normally, general partners usually pay self-employment taxes since they are involved actively in the daily running of their business operations.This essay stresses that  self-employment taxation comprises of Medicare and S ocial Security taxes put together and normally accounts for 15.3% of the total income of a partner as of 2013.It is important to note that a limited partner who does not take part in the operation of the business is not entitled to self-employment taxation.  A conventional partnership usually has authority distributed equally between the partners, and thus, no hierarchy of authority exists.  Inflexibility is particularly undesirable when the partners have existing disagreements amongst themselves.